List of Committees:
1. Women Safety Committee – World conference on Women –
Topics –
1) Violence against women during wartime
2) Increasing Women’s role in disarmament
3) Broadening the scope of women’s Citizenship, Leadership, and Political participation in transition countries
4) Women in Innovation and worldwide economic empowerment
2. World Health Organisation
Topics –
1) Access to Health care for displaced people
2) Measures to deal with pandemics with respect to recent outbreak of Coronavirus
3. Tribal: SOCHUM: Social, Humanitarian and Cultural committee
Topics –
1) Impact of climate change on nations – economically and culturally
2) Protection of cultural property in times of armed conflict
4. Road Safety & No Honking Committee
Topic –
1) Methods to tackle the ubiquitous but invisible global road safety and noise pollution crisis
5. United Nations General Assembly – UNGA
Topics –
1) Child Soldiers and Conflict
2) Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East
3) Use of technology in healthcare industry
4) Global Environmental issues
A) Implementing education systems in Recycling and Reuse across the Globe
B) Protection against de-forestation and global forest degradation
6. Committee for International Cyber Security
Topics –
1) Combating Terrorism at a global level in view of recent example set by Pakistan
2) Terrorism in age of internet
7. International Press and Journalism Committee
Print media and TV news coverage of the entire event